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Let’s Encourage Our Kids to Be Independent


As our children explore their surroundings at their age, we must instill good habits that are beneficial for them in the long run. One good trait that we can help them develop is their ability to be independent. As a preschool in Texas, we understand that independence can help children gain self-confidence and initiative. Read on to know more about how you can help your child be more independent.

  • Delegate Tasks

    If you want your children to develop a sense of independence, make sure you give them tasks. These tasks will help them understand that they are capable of doing things on their own. Make sure these tasks are achievable for their age. Also, choose tasks that have tangible, real-world results, such as household chores.

  • Commend Them For Their Achievements

    Your words can go a long way. When your child does something right, such as achieving their assigned tasks, make sure to commend them accordingly. A simple “great job” would suffice. This helps their self-esteem when they know they are praised for their independence. Commending them also helps in encouraging independent behavior. Let’s make sure to incorporate this habit in our child care activities.

  • Making Their Own Decisions

    We must let them develop their own decisions. This ensures that they are independent not just in their actions but also in their thinking. We can let them weigh in on simple decisions like choosing which shirt to wear or picking where to eat for lunch.

When looking for child care services, make sure to check out The Learning Tree Academy. We are a child care center in Irving, Texas, ready to cater to your child’s educational needs.

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